
Used Since June 2019 (almost 6 years)



Full-Stack Developer Intern / Freelancer | June 2019 - May 2020

  • Responsible for maintenance and feature development of a automobile pair platform during the internship using Angular, Django and Swift
    • Fix several bugs across the stack, improving the stabillity of the platform.
  • Worked as a freelancer for the company after the internship
    • Develop a passcode lock for PDF on AWS Serverless function.
    • Develop mobile application user interface for car insurance company with Flutter.
    • Develop a back office system for a restaurant.

Arsaga Partners

Frontend Engineer | August 2023 - Present

Develop Frontend application in project assigned as follows

Meeting notes taking application, Automated Interview application, (3/2024 - Present)

Application for quick summarization of conversations adapted to different use cases. built with Angular (14)

  • Add mobile support existing application.
  • Screen capture using browser web APIs (WebRTC)
Ticketing System & Navigation System (12/2023 - 2/2024)

Lead the development for Frontend of the project, Ticketing System & Navigation, used in web view inside a larger system. built with Vue.js 3 (Nuxt 3)

  • Ticket Purchase/ Usage Feature
  • Announcement Feature
  • Payment with external payment provider
  • Google Map
  • Legacy iOS devices support
AI-Assistant (10/2023-12/2023)

Lead development of a chat application based on ChatGPT used internally in an organization, based on Next.js

  • Chat Feature
  • Feedback Feature
  • Chat History Feature
AI-chat platform (8/2023 - 9/2023)

Architect and develop a chat platform based on ChatGPT based on Next.js

  • Lead the development for Frontend of the project.
  • Chat UI/ Handling (using server-sent events (SSE))
  • Tutorial Feature


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