Seiyuu Grand Prix August 2024 - Hasunosora Interview

Translations | July 2024Read in Outline

(My English sucks, please ryoushoukudasai (understand), lmk if there is part that makes 0 sense or needs fixing).

Colorful flowers, bloom in all your glory!

First cover photo for Hasunosora Jogakuin School Idol Club! This time 3 new 1st years joined the group totaling 9 members. We'll present you a lively gravure and an interview about "the past and the future". Let's experience "the present" of the girls fully living day by day.

Cerise Bouquet

"Current" Cerise Bouquet, created by three book lovers.

2 seniors are glad that a new junior with strong unit love joined.

— Nirei-san and Hanamiya-san's last appearance was in May 2023 issue, what has changed since then?

Nirei: We were just starting our activities last April, I was so nervous on whatever I did. But as I experienced live tours, streams and events, I gained a lot of experience from that. I think I became stronger mentally.

Hanamiya: In the beginning, my goal was to perform like what I practiced the best I can, so I became nervous most of the time. But as I gained more experience, moving up a school year and new first years joined, finally I become less nervous. Now my perspective has changed and I become more flexible during lives to the point that I can look at the fans and remember them.

— But last time you two loved "LoveLive!" so much, you talked about it while crying.

Nirei, Hanamiya: We remember! (laugh)

— You two also got to perform with your seniors in "Ijigen Fest Idolmaster Lovelive Utagassen (Ijigen-fes)" and "LoveLive! Series Presents Unit Koshien 2024 (Unit Koshien)" from the end of last year until this year.

Hanamiya: We cried together during rehearsal!

Nirei: Yeah!

Hanamiya: Everyone is so great …. I already knew that we'll be performing together, but I still feel emotional during the rehearsal.

Nirei: "Is it really ok for me to perform this song/ dance move!?" kinda feeling.

Hanamiya: We were also with people from "The Idolmaster" series, we got to see their individuality and learned a lot from it.

Nirei: As much as we look up upon our seniors and want to become like them, we also understand our "Hasunosora-ness" more. Moving on, we'll carefully nurture it.

— From that, we got a new member Sakurai-san , what's your view on Hasunosora's activity up until now?

Sakurai: I watched Hasunosora since the first live event. But…. It's a bit embarrassing to talk about it here, can you two cover your ears for a moment? (laughs)

Nirei: How come! (laughs)

Hanamiya: I'll listen closely (laughs)

Sakurai: Fine… I made my mind, I'll talk about it. I watched the live on stream at home. I was already in love with you two Cerise Bouquet. That's why when I get to perform alongside you two, I was so happy as if my dream became true.

— What do you like about them?

Sakurai: The performance. The singing voice and the dance was so high quality, and the emotions really came across to the audience. Their facial expressions are so amazing… I rewatched that live event so many times I could remember the dance moves.

— Looks like a new member overflowing with love joined

Hanamiya: I'm very thankful! But as I mentioned, I was quite nervous during performances back then, so would be nice you could also rewatch our recent lives too. (laughs)

Nirei: Go watch 2nd live tour! (laughs)

Hanamiya: It's a bit embarrassing, but I'm kinda happy you think about us this way.

— What was you three's first encounter like?

Nirei: It was 6 of us and 3 new first years, we all met face-to-face at the same time.

Hanamiya: We could tell right away "This one is Cerise Bouquet!", just by atmosphere alone.

Nirei: Yeah, we could tell in an instant!

Sakurai: Really? I'm happy! I was just thinking in my mind "They're real! They're real!". I was too afraid to look into the eyes so I looked away.

Nirei: That day there was also a photoshoot going on, so we took turns talking to one another. You two were staring at each other (laughs) (Impersonating Hanamiya) "This girl is my junior..."

Hanamiya: (laughs), She also mentioned "You two always has such a nice nail art, so I did mine too" and showed us her cherry blossom nail paint.

Sakurai: Right! We named it and tried to remember them.

— By the way, have you found anything common between you three yet?

Nirei: Reading maybe?

Hanamiya: Now that I think about it, we read different genres, but we 3 like to read books. You probably won't hear that from the other units.

Nirei: Very fitting for Cerise Bouquet which has a lot of poetic songs.

Sakurai: I'm glad I read books!

Nirei: Looks like we could recommend one another about our favorite books, Looking forward to it!

— What are your impressions towards your character Momose Ginko.

Sakurai: Ginko-chan loves Kanazawa city and its traditions, she's has a very charming ideal Japanese woman look (TL Note: Yamato Nadeshiko). She's not good at expressing her feelings yet, but from seeing her talking with other two first years, you can see a bit more of her true self. I think she is an adorable girl.

To bloom the flower of smiles !

The feelings Nirei put into the huddle.

— 3rd single will be released in 17th July, two songs "Bloom the smile, Bloom the dream!" and "365 Days" (TL Note: Reads "Everyday") will be included.

Nirei: Two songs to start our activities officially as 9 members. It's very refreshing when singing, feels like we're standing in a new stage.

Sakurai: The singing part for "365 Days" is mostly divided by school years, and For "Bloom the smile, Bloom the dream!", it's divided by units. I think that is pretty interesting. You can feel the freshness of the first year just starting, also feel the accumulated experiences of the second and third year. When it's divided by units, you can clearly see the tone for each of the units. Everytime I listened to i'm surprised by how different it can be. Feel free to try to listen and compare by yourself!

Hanamiya: Furthermore, "365 Days" incorporates Hasunosora-ness of "Cherish each and every day". We can not go back to the past, so we do our best to live in the present. The days passed down from generation to generation are what' "Hasunosora" is. The song contains lots of those thoughts, I even think on my own that it could be one of Hasunosora's theme songs.

Nirei: A bit of a personal topic, but I actually came up with the phrase "Bloom the smile, Bloom the dream!"

— If I remember correctly, this is the chant you did when you all were huddling right?

Nirei: They asked me to come up with a chant, and then later incorporated into the story later.

Sakurai: Wow! I didn't knew that.

Nirei: That's why I say it's very personal, when I saw that it become the title of the song, the starting song for us 9 members, I was very moved. When I received the song I was shocked when I saw the title (laughs)

— How does this phrase come by?

Nirei: Kaho wants herself to bloom, but also wants people around her's "Flower of smile" to bloom also. So when we huddle, I want to include the feeling of "We're going to bloom the flower of smiles!" into it. Also, the concept of "Present" is very important so I include the phrase "Cherish this very moment(今この瞬間を大切に!)" into it too.

Hanamiya: Indeed, I also want to treasure the concept "Present". The present where new school year started and Ginko joined, I got a feeling of "I want to create a lot of Cerise Bouquet traditions". Because new juniors joined, I become more aware of the importance of passing traditions down. I want to make a lot of new traditions that will remain in the future.

Nirei: I want to create a new form of 3-members Cerise Bouquet. I'm sandwiched between a senior and junior, it'll be important that I absorb a lot of things from our seniors this year. I want to do my best to become a reliable senior for the juniors, and a junior that seniors can entrust.


We want to bring out the "colors" of the 1st years with great individuality.

Hard working Kosuzu and Hayama-san are charming.

— Nonaka-san, Sasaki-san, what has changed or improved since you two last appeared in the back cover of last year May issue?

Nonaka: I got bangs! (laughs), my bangs in the past were fake, but now I made one of my own. This way it's easier to take care.

Sasaki: On that topic, I also grew my hair out. I was gonna grew my hair but I can't find a good salon to do so. It's been a year since I last go to one.

— So there were hair situations (laughs), how about the experience of the live tour or performing with your seniors.

Nonaka: Not just "Hasunosora" live alone, but also by performing together with the seniors, I've become more conscious about my performance. Furthermore, if you watch the story in "Link! Like! LoveLive!" (Abbreviated: L!L!LL!), the members are also growing everyday. I've been encouraged by the feelings of wanting to catch up and grow together with them. How about you Kotoko-chan?

Sasaki: Hmm, did anything change about me?

Nonaka: Kotoko-chan's performance and creativity was already amazing from the start. But after a year, your facial expression and line of sight is even more polished. You also have a deep understanding of the choreography! When we were learning the choreography, there were time that Kotoko-chan explained to me the meaning of a dance move and I understood it completely.

Sasaki: I learned a lot from performing together with the seniors. Even watching from afar, there are many things you can learn. We did so many things it's hard to believe that it's only just a year.

Nonaka: If there is a chance we get to perform with our seniors again this year, this time we'll be performing on stage as 2nd year and 3rd year. Even if the collaboration were to be the same, we can make the performance different.

— New member that joined these two is Hayama san.

Hayama: I thought to myself "Is it ok that I join the unit that does such high quality performances?". I knew that my performance is not that good, so I became quite anxious. I was excited… but to be honest, I was anxious most of the time up until 2nd live Hyogo performance.

— Seems like that changes there.

Hayama: Yes, we got to perform our unit song during Hyogo performance, and also just in time for Kosuzu-chan's episode. So, both Kosuzu-chan and my attitude both changed. Now, I am trying to become slightly more confident about myself.

— Your "Chesto!" has reached the fans.

Hayama: Yeah! I'm very happy about that

— Well then, can you tell me your impressions towards Kosuzu chan?

Hayama: Kosuzu-chan is the type of girl that knows she's doesn't have much talent but she's positive and works hard for it. No matter now many time she trips, falls down and gets dirty, she has a strong will to keep moving forward. You could describe her as a "Muddy Challenger Girl(泥んこチャレンジャーガーズ)"

Nonaka: I think she fits the word "Hard-working(努力屋)" or "Dedicated (一生懸命)" very well. I think Fuu-chan (Hayama-san) said she's "Like a mud(泥んこらしさ)" …

Sasaki: I don't think she said "Like a mud"? (laughs)

Everyone: laughing hard

Nonaka: I misremembered!!

Sasaki: I don't wanna to be "Like a mud"

Hayama: Like a lotus root (laughs)

Nonaka: Ahaha, I'm sorry (laughs). In "Dream Believers", there is a part that sings "When you fall, just stand up again (転んじゃっても起き上がり)", I always think about "Muddy challenger girl" Kosuzu-chan when singing that part. She's is that kind of positive, forward-looking girl. I also like the part that she wholeheartedly respect her seniors Sayaka-chan and Tsuzuri-chan.

Sasaki: Also, her face and baby bangs looks like a baby which is adorable. She is very energetic and innocent which is attractive.

— By the way, do you remember that day when you two and Hayama-san first met?

Hayama: I still remember it clear as day, that day I was trying too hard and failed. I was gonna talk to the two about how I "found our commonalities(共通点を見つけてきた)", but I ended up saying I "tried hard and found you guys(頑張って見つけてきた)"

Sasaki: Yeah, which is why I also remember replying "Hmm, so you tried and found us huh" (laughs)

Hayama: I found out that I like Vtubers as same as Nasu-chan (Nonaka-san) and like snacks the same as Kotoko-chan, but I was too excited to talk about it so I end up messing up what I wanna say (laughs) and got tsukkomi-ed by everyone.

— (laughs) But, seems like your effort has reached them.

Sasaki: Indeed! The way she tries her best really resembles Kosuzu-chan.

Nonoka-san gets new talking partner, Sasaki-san is relieved?

— The new songs being released in 17 July, seems like any of them could be a masterpiece.

Nonaka: Especially "Bloom the smile, bloom the dream!", the phrase Non-chan (Nirei-san) came up for our huddles became the title of the song as-is. I think that's really amazing. Also, there are many parts of the lyric that felt connected to "Dream Believers". It feels like I'm living in the sparkling present as part of the 104th Hasunosora School Idol Club.

Hayama: There are so many phrases in the song that represents Hasunosora like "Dreams", "Let's bloom" or "Blooming", It felt like it's connected becoming a story. That's why I recorded the song wanting to cherish these euphoric feelings. If we get a chance to sing this song later on, I want to create a happy atmosphere singing it.

Sasaki: I want everyone to feel Hasunosora's everyday that cannot be seen from the outside via the song "365 Days" (TL Note: Reads "Everyday"). The song is connected from different parts sang by 1st years, 3rd years and 2nd years. The lyric for each parts represents the atmosphere for each school year, and the choreography is also linked together. I want everyone to keep that in mind while listening.

— I got to watch the parts sang by each school year during 2nd Tour Hyogo Performance, that was quite emotional.

Hayama: That's right, I like the intro of the song which gives an exciting feeling like something is starting. I wish people who watched at the Hyogo performance also gets the same impression.

— The song will be released soon and there are many things going on. I look forward to your future activities.

Hayama: Me too! During the Hyogo performance, we 3 performed "Sparkly Spot (104th Version)". After I said Kozuzu-chan's part "Kimeru no wa jibun da(決めるのわ自分だ/ You are the one who decide)", my feelings of "I can't be the only one getting helped all the time" grew stronger and stronger. The day I catch up with those two is still afar, but I'll keep running.

Sasaki: 3 new first years are all very powerful, I wish everyone gets to see their charm. As for DOLLCHESTRA... Kokona-chan gets more talking partner so I'm happy for that I guess? (laughs)

Nonaka: I'm very talkative, you know! (laughs) I'll be talking to Fuu-chan a lot from now.

Hayama: Sure! (laughs)

Sasaki: That means I can stay in silence... But the time we were two was also enjoyable, you know?

Nonaka: Hahahaha! you don't have to force yourself to say that (laughs), The new members and their cast all have a very distinct personality and they actively show their individuality. That's why as a senior, I will do my best to help draw out their charm too. If Sayaka-chan and myself levels up, I believe the 104th 1st years will have an exciting days waiting for them.

Mira-Cra! Park

3-members Mirapa is going to become more and more fun!

Kurusu-san naturally blending in with two considerate seniors

— Kan-san and Tsukine-san, you two appeared on the back cover of May 2023 issue, what has changed/ improved since then?

Tsukine: Since then, we always have been doing our best for Hasunosora. There are relatively many live and performances, if we don't do our best we'll not be able to keep up with it. It felt like we're clinging on something and keep running forward. In between that, there also events such as "Ijigen fes" and "Unit Koshien" that we get to met our seniors and people from "The Idolmaster". From that, we get to learn a lot of things about stage performances. Especially "Ijigen fes" which has an exceptionally big stage and a lot of seniors performing, there was a sense of accomplishment from overcoming that. Not only we improved our appearance on the stage or posture, I think our mentality also became stronger.

— Not only that, you were the top batter for "Unit Koshien" and had the important role of delivering athletes vow too.

Kan: I told Konachi casually to go draw the first batter position. In the beginning I don't even know what it is (laughs). As I learn about it more, I found out that it's a very honorable task.

Tsukine: That's why not just during the performance, the lessons and rehearsals leading to it was very intense.

Kan: Mira-cra Park! started our activities late compared than other units, so we always wanted to make up for it by putting our hearts and souls to make everyone become excited. The fact that we actually drew the first batter position must be fate. The song we performed "Non-fiction Hero Show" have a part that sings "Hidden trick always shows up late", I really felt the meaning of that. After experiencing the big stages, I think I became stronger.

— The first year that joined you second, third years is Kurusu-san, how do you feel when you knew that you're joining the group.

Kurusu: I wasn't used to auditions, so my heart was pounding non-stop while thinking about "Hasunosora" until the results are out. I took the audition really wanting to join, so I become extra restless about it. When I heard that I passed, I become relived that all the heart pounding would finally end. I was filled with joy knowing that I would be able a part of my favorite series along side my favorite seniors.

— From Kurusu-san's perspective, what kind of member do you think Anyouji Hime is?

Kurusu: She is the kind of girl that puts all her energy in to what she likes. She knows everything about what she likes and desire to become the top of it, so much that she became a champion in a game tournament during middle school. One of the things Hime-chan likes as much as gaming is Mira-Cra Park! Because she likes them so much, there are times that conflict happens because of it… that's mostly what she's like. In the beginning, she looked like a girl that put efforts and accomplishes everything, but there are times that felt like "That's not the case" too which is quite lovely.

Kan: Mira-Cra Park! is a unit formed by two childhood friends, so I think joining it would feel extra difficult. But in reality, she brought a new perspective to the group, even in 3-people streams, we get to see new side of RuriMegu that we never seen, and it feels like there is more "fun" from Hime-chan joining.

— By the way, do you all still remember what's your first encounter was like?

Kan: It was last summer right?

Kurusu: Right, a year has already passed.

Tsukine: Back then, you (Kurusu-san) were still small

Kurusu: No, you're also small! But Mirapa's presence on the stage from seeing the performances up to now were big though.

Tsukine: See, I'm not small!

Kurusu: But off the stage, you're small!

Kan: You two didn't change at all! (laughs)

Kurusu: (laughs) Personally, it's not the day we first met, but the activities after that that left an impression on me. The two never let me feel any unease. I knew that it will be difficult to join two of them which has together for more than a year and I was prepared for it, but seems like I didn't have to worry about anything. When I ask them later on, they were making sure that I never feel any unease.

— That's very caring from your seniors, what specifically did they do?

Tsukine: We were careful about not letting the situation to become 2 vs 1. To not let Rin-chan be lonely. Kan-chan (Kan-san) is the kind that likes to bring people into the group anyway so I wasn't worry about her.

Kan: To be honest, I didn't think deeply into it (laughs). Rin-chan is a jolly person, so we are on the same wavelength. It's enjoyable just being with her. I am happy that she happily listens to whatever I say. Before I knew it, we become close like we are now.

Looking forward for the future of "Hasunosora" where the 1st years get to shine.

— The third single will be released on 17th July. What do you think the songs are like

Kurusu: It's the first single after we became 9 members, I'm very happy about it. "This song is also the first time for our seniors too, we created them together." kinda feeling. I especially like the ending of "Bloom the smile, Bloom the dream!". The fact that same phrase from the beginning of the song was used but only the melody changes.

— That's a very elaborate song structure.

Kurusu: I also like the glittering orchestration of it.

Kan: The song's title is the chant we do during our huddles which Non-chan came up with. When I heard that the phrase became the song title as-is, I was really happy and moved, like watching from a classmate perspective. If it isn't for a real-time content like "Hasunosora" I don't think we can do this. I really like the part that sings, "Everyday up to today is what makes the 'present'" (今日までの機能が"今"を作るんだ) and "Everything up to today becomes confidence". (今日までの昨日が自信になるよ)I think this lyric came by because both members and the cast are preciously living through the present. This song will be another valuable song for us.

Tsukine: The stories up until now, there are girls that learned to write Lyrics, or challenge themselves to write the music, so most of the time you can tell that "this girl" made it. For "Bloom the smile, Bloom the dream!" I think it's very Kaho-like song.

Kurusu: We performed the other song, "365 Days" during the Hyogo performance. It was refreshing that the singing parts are divided by school year. During the performance, there are also many parts that you can see normal day-by-day side of them too.

Tsukine: For the third years, there were quite a lot of heavy story for them up until now.…. so this part that we sing with first and second year "All 365 days will be glittering if I'm with you." (キミとなら365日がキラキラで溢れるから) really resonated with me. Personally I think you should also listen to the card voices for "365 Days" (Inside Link! Like! LoveLive!) along with it too. You might get a deeper understanding of the song.

Kan: I think "365 Days" centers around the first years. Having the new first years bear the task of singing the beginning of the song, feels like a song that makes everyone looking forward to the future.

— Indeed. It makes us feel excited for what's gonna happen even the next day. I'm looking forward to the future activities.

Kan: During 2nd Live the other day, we performed "Identity (104th ver.)", Rin-chan's smiles was as glittering as Hime-can's during the FesxLIVE. Looking at that, I really enjoyed and having high hopes for Mira-Cra Park! moving forward. We'll do our best to get more people to get everyone's attention!


Cerise Bouquet

Which "Hasunosora" cast would you want to be your teacher?

Hanamiya: Would be nice if Kotoko-chan becomes a teacher.

Nirei: I think Kan-chan would be nice. She's the one getting teased most of the time, but she has the most common sense. I think she can lead the students.

Sakurai: Seems like we're doing it by school year unknowingly, But I think Fuu-chan seems fit to become a teacher. She's open-minded and a good listener.

Nirei, Hanamiya: I think so too !

Hanamiya: As for the person who is not fit to become a teacher, I think it's Kona. She's too chill.

Nirei: I think it's Nassu sensei, after a long explanation she would maybe end it with "… maybe !", I think the students would be confused from that.

Sakurai: I think Rin-chan is not really fit, she is reliable but she's also chill at times. When she's sleepy she loses her power.

Nirei: Eh ?

Hanamiya: Isn't that Kona ? (laughs)

Sakurai: Maybe that's a Mirapa trait ? (laughs) Teachers looks busy all the time, looks like they're not fit for that.

You're 〇〇 committee member!

Sakurai: I think Non-chan (Nirei-san) would be nice as an environment & animal caretaker committee member.

Hanamiya: Is that a thing ? (laughs) She seems fit for tasks that requires lots of moving.

Nirei: I guess mine is decided then. Hii-chan (Sakurai-san) definitely would be a library committee member.

Sakurai: I was actually one!

Nirei: Really!? I also was!

Hanamiya: Me too!

Sakurai: Looks like we all have been through that (laughs), I suppose Ui-chan (Hanamiya-san) could be a class representative?

Hanamiya: I was one (laughs). No one really wants to become a class representative, but everyone gives you support so it's not that rough.

Nirei: How about a choir committee member? seems fitting.

Hanamiya: Really? can you keep up with me? (acting as a choir committee member) "Hey you, …. did you just lip sync!"

Nirei: Oh no!

Hanamiya: "You, sing that part alone!"

Sakurai: That's bad!

Nirei: It's too scary to sing alone in front of Ui-san!

Hanamiya: I might be strict like that (laughs).


Which "Hasunosora" cast would you want to be your teacher?

Sasaki: Non-chan's letters looks like one from a kindergarten teacher.

Nonaka: Yeah! I think everyone thinks the same since we met, that's a very warming letters.

Hayama: She could be a good teacher in general!

Sasaki: I think she is more fit as a kindergarten teacher.

Nonaka: True! Not a middle-high school teacher, but more like either kindergarten or primary school.

Hayama: Primary school might be a bit too much, boys are mostly naughty.

Nonaka, Sasaki: Ah, that's true

Nonaka: So only kindergarten then. On the other hand, I think Hanamiya Niina-san is not fit at all.

Hayama: I think it's either Ui-chan or Kan-chan.

Sasaki: Really? I think Ui-san quite a hard working person?

Nonaka: She is a hard working person, but seems like her class would emit a different aura compared to others. Like everyone using a parasol in a cultural festival, or picking too difficult song for the choir to sing.

Sasaki: I see (laughs), How about Kan-chan?

Hayama: Kan-chan is too empathic, seems like she would get too emotional when her students came to her for consultation.

Nonaka: Seems like she'll carry the worries from all her students alone.

Hayama: Yeah, that's why I am worried about her!

You're 〇〇 committee member!

Hayama: I thought about it. First, Kotoko-chan is a school festival organization committee!

Nonaka: Sounds good!

Hayama: She got a good creativity and planning ability, I think it's a good place where those skills gets to shine.

Sasaki: I'm also efficient, always strict on my deadlines. Maybe I am fit for that.

Hayama: Yay! Then, Nasu-chan is a disciplinary committee.

Sasaki: Wouldn't she the one not in discipline?

Nonaka: I might sleep during class you know?

Hayama: I was worried about that (laughs), but she is pretty reliable when it comes to grooming, when my hair gets stuck she always fixes it for me (laughs).

Nonaka: So that's what you meant! I'll manually keep everyone's appearance tidy then!

Sasaki: Would be nice if Fuu-chan becomes a cheerleader, not quite a committee member though (laughs). Also, I want her to take care of plants, so maybe a gardening committee member too?

Hayama: Sounds fun!

Nonaka: Both of them sounds rough (laughs).

Mira-Cra Park!

Which "Hasunosora" cast would you want to be your teacher?

Tsukine: I think Kotoko-chan is a good fit.

Kan: Kotoko-chan? sounds strict (laughs).

Kurusu: How about Non-chan?

Tsukine: Non-chan is kind, so students would not be afraid of her. On the other hand, Kotoko-chan would be strict to her students, sometimes you might hear funny stories from her too.

Kurusu: That sounds good then! As for the opposite, I think Kan-chan is not fit to be a good teacher.

Kan: No way!

Tsukine: The classroom would be in chaos?

Kan: Why!?

Kurusu: "We're studying Japanese today... wait, maybe not!"

Kan: I won't deny that... But you two are also not fit right?

Kurusu: I think Kona-chan would just get bored and go back home.

Tsukine: But Rin-chan looks like the type that doesn't like studying.

Kan: Don't you have an English qualification? (TL Note: 英検, an English exam for Japanese)

Kurusu: I passed pre-2nd grade! (TL Note: Around CEFR A2 level, but around high school level in Japanese standard)

Tsukine: That's definitely a lie!

Kurusu: It's not!

You're 〇〇 committee member!

Kurusu: Kan-chan could be a greeting committee member?

Tsukine: That's the first time I heard about that committee! Kan-chan seems like she would fit to be a school festival organization committee member.

Kan: I did that before! We made gyoza pizzas and did a bunch of taste testing (laughs).

Kurusu: For Kona-chan, I think something that requires less work would fit.

Kan: Something like health committee member?

Tsukine: I was a health committee member during high school and a librarian during middle school, I just have to be there.

Kan: How about Rin-chan? wouldn't you be more fitting to become a greeting committee member?

Tsukine: So, what the heck is a greeting committee member? (laughs)

Kan: Or maybe you can be a PE committee member.

Tsukine: Hmm, I don't think PE committee member sounds right.

Kan: How about a secretary at the school council?

Kurusu: Ah! I was a secretary before!

Tsukine: Eh? really…?

Kan: You don't believe her at all! (laughs)

Kurusu: Fine, I'll become a greeting committee member! (laughs)

About School Life!

Since we're doing a photoshoot in a school, we asked the girls a few questions about their school life!

The Questions

  1. What's your favorite subject?
  2. What's your favorite location in the school?
  3. What's your favorite seat in the classroom?
  4. What did you do after school?
  5. What are some of your memories coming commuting to school?
  6. Are there anything left unfinished during your school days ?
  7. What's are your best youthful memory of your school days?
  8. What's your favorite stationery?

Nozomi Nirei

  1. Contemporary Literature, English, Music
  2. Library
  3. Right in the middle of the classroom. While everyone is sleeping, I get to discuss about "Maihime" with the Japanese teacher.
  4. Lessons, Clubs and Student Councils. That or just staying in the Library!
  5. Zoomed back home with a bike!
  6. Nothing!
  7. The choir contest, the cultural festival and the sports festival during my 3rd high school year.
  8. Cerise bouquet-colored mechanical pencil. When I just started middle school, I really wanted it and my younger sister gave me as a present and after that I started using a light blue mechanical pencil. That might be fate!

Kokona Nonaka

  1. Math, I still have a collection of all my math textbooks with me!
  2. In the corridor, chatting with everyone was fun.
  3. Window side, second seat from the back.
  4. Practicing the tea ceremony with the club, or just chatting with friends.
  5. Sitting in the back seat of a bus together with 4 close friends was fun!
  6. I wanted to go to a karaoke after school!
  7. Arranging our desks to face one another and sleep with friends during breaks.
  8. Foldable 30-cm ruler.

Nina Hanamiya

  1. Ethics, World History
  2. Staircase
  3. In the middle of the classroom, if I doze no one would catch me, and I can also get absorbed in the class I like. A hidden gem!
  4. Lessons
  5. My mom always drives me home everyday, and go straight to lessons. So, I don't have much memories going home from school…
  6. There is a house on my way to school that has a nice garden, so on the days I don't have any lessons after school I will go and there. Unfortunately, I graduated school without getting to greet the owner. If I go back to my hometown, I want to go and greet them even now!
  7. Browsing pixiv in the computer room with friends during club time.
  8. COPIC

Kotoko Sasaki

  1. Science and Math
  2. I like hanging out behind the school building. It was quiet.
  3. Corridor side, furthest back seat.
  4. Club activities (Basketball club) or leaving school early for work.
  5. There is a friend house close to school, so I usually visit them on the way home.
  6. I wanted to do more youthful things…
  7. Sports festival in the middle school.
  8. Mechanical pencils were not allowed in my school… so pencils

Kanna Kan

  1. Any class outside the classroom!
  2. Light music club room
  3. On the edge of the back of the classroom. Window side and corridor side are both fine.
  4. Detours are not allowed in my school, so I went straight home and play with friends there!
  5. Full Yamanote line train was rough…
  6. Nothing!
  7. Sports festival. I studied in all-girls school, but everyone is very serious about it. About two months before the date, everyone becomes an enemy to one another. The enthusiasm that everyone put in made it really enjoyable!
  8. Pencil Grip

Kona Tsukine

  1. If everyone (that studied with me) enjoys it, I like it.
  2. Budoukan. We used it for our club (kendo club). The air condition was very strong.
  3. In the middle of the classroom, or next to the window.
  4. Club activities
  5. I like take a detour to a Japanese candy shop no the way home.
  6. The cultural festival after party that I missed because I had "Hasunosora" audition.
  7. I think taking TikTok with friends during break time in the corridor was very youthful.
  8. I have much stationery.

Hina Sakurai

  1. Japanese Language, Japan History
  2. Library
  3. 2nd seat from the window at the back of the classroom, I guess.
  4. Lessons
  5. My hometown Kanazawa regularly snows a lot, so I was late for classes from time to time because of snow piling up.
  6. I wanted to go to the rooftop, but I get to do that today so it's accomplished!
  7. At the last cultural festival in my high school, I get to perform with the friends who attended the lessons with me a dance that we came up with.
  8. 0.3mm lead mechanical pencil

Fuka Hayama

  1. Arts
  2. My own seat
  3. 2nd-3rd seat from the back on either window or corridor side.
  4. Long throw contest with rulers and erasers inside the arts club room (laughs).
  5. Enjoying the scent of Kinmokusei (Osmanthus) on the way to/from school.
  6. I wanted to leave a result in some kind of an event.
  7. The days I practice singing and dancing "LoveLive!" songs.
  8. Doctor Grip

Rin Kurusu

  1. Industrial arts (crafting skills, using tools etc.)
  2. Library
  3. Anything next to the window!
  4. Going directly home
  5. The path to the school was unobstructed, so when I arrive at school the last minute, I had to run full speed for tens of meters while the teacher is staring at me. It was rough…
  6. Studying
  7. Gathering at a friend house and play monster hunter on a PSP that we brought.
  8. Clear file of the anime I like.

9 members, living through invaluable present all their might.


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